On May 6 and May 7, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (LISC) presented the 26th Annual Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards (CNDA) for the first time as a virtual event. Three CCLF borrowers were among this year’s award recipients.

Accion and the Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago earned The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Outstanding Non-Profit Neighborhood Real Estate Project for The Hatchery. Located in Chicago’s East Garfield Park neighborhood, The Hatchery offers 67,000 square feet of space for culinary entrepreneurs to learn how to cultivate their products and services. The facility features 56 private kitchens, five shared kitchens, office and storage space, training facilities, and chef Rick Bayless’ “Culinary Core Institute,” an eight-week culinary training program for aspiring young chefs that concludes with a month-long internship at a Chicago restaurant. Accion relocated its offices to The Hatchery, joining the Garfield Park Neighborhood Market and area entrepreneurs. CCLF provided $1,000,000 in financing for the construction of The Hatchery which, according to LISC, earned this year’s award “for its thoughtful design that, in form and function, meets the needs of its diverse users.”

“For their tenacity, their vision, and their collaboration with the Woodlawn community,” DL3 Realty and Terraco Real Estate earned the Outstanding For-Profit Real Estate Project Award for the Woodlawn Jewel-Osco. The 48,000 square foot, state-of-the-art grocery store brought fresh, healthy foods, a convenient, 24/7 pharmacy, and 200 jobs to the Woodlawn area residents. The store ended the Woodlawn community’s 40-year distinction as a Federally Recognized Food Desert, helping to stabilize and transform the neighborhood to its historic glory. CCLF provided DL3 Realty with an $850,000 predevelopment loan for the construction of the Woodlawn Jewel-Osco.

John Ronan Architects earned first place for The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence in Community Design for Independence Library and Apartments. Earning its distinction “for a truly creative and attractive design that meets public and private needs and respects a public budget,” CCLF provided Evergreen Real Estate Group $500,000 in financing for the Independence Library & Apartments, creating two new jobs and retaining ten. Located in the Irving Park community, Independence Library & Apartments features a two-story, 16,000 square foot library and 44 one- and two-bedroom apartments for seniors on the upper four floors. The library brings access to free Wi-Fi, newspapers, audio books and computers to the community while the apartments feature colorful hallways, color-coded balconies and a garden with a walking path. The project has earned national acclaim in such publications as The New York Times and Architectural Digest.